Volunteer at BEFC

Boroondara Eagles FC (BEFC) is a community club run by volunteers with the support of a small number of paid staff. Volunteers are essential to help keep registration costs down and at times raise funds for the club. Any family member is welcome to assist the BEFC. It is hoped that every player has a representative that contributes to the club as a volunteer. As a large club, it is unrealistic to be able to rely on a few to help keep the club running. We really appreciate your contributions, big or small.  To volunteer, please complete our EOI and we will get back to you – https://form.jotform.com/BoroondaraEagles/volunteer-with-the-eagles


BEFC is guided by a group of elected volunteer board members. All participants in the club are encouraged to be involved at this or in a sub-committee level, particularly if they wish to participate in the future direction of the club. The Annual General Meeting is held at the end of each season, usually in November. A list of positions and their requirements is available by contacting us.


At the MiniEagles and MiniRoos levels, we rely on predominantly volunteer parent coaches and in the Junior/Youth teams we rely on mainly senior player coaches. Teams that are assigned a paid coach will incur an extra levy as per our ‘user pays’ financial model. For the younger age groups, coaches need not have prior experience but simply a will to share football in a fun environment. The club will support coaches via our age group Technical Directors under the watchful eye of our Director of Football. Two parents may also share these roles. Parent coaches will be reimbursed their childs registration fee at end of season. (shared if multiple coaches)

All coaches are required to be registered via PlayFootball and have current Working with Children Checks.

Team Managers

Each team, including the small sided teams on Saturdays, requires a team manager. This is a great way to be involved in the club for those parents who don’t feel confident to take on a coaching role.

Team managers are responsible for managing team lists, coordinating contact lists, organising duty rosters, match official rosters, making sure goals are in place for games and generally assisting the coach with any administrative tasks.

Match Officials

A parent is generally required to referee their teams home games for MiniRoos matches. We encourage parents to assist with linesperson duties in all competition games from U8s and up. The club will provide training to all parents who need it. For matches involving teams U12’s and above, Football Victoria appoints a paid referee with a parent from each team assisting as linesperson. Another parent is required to act as marshal and respectfully accompany the referee on and off the pitch.

Other roles / Community Service / Duke of Edinburgh Award

There are many more ways that parents/carers/guardians/friends can assist as volunteers such as Photo Coordinator, Canteen assisting, Merchandise sales, Raffles, Social events, End of Season events, Photography, Social Media, Uniform distribution, Equipment maintenance

We are also accepting of our older players requiring to acquire hours for community service and/or Duke of Edinburgh awards. There are numerous ways for required hours to be obtained.

To volunteer for any of the above or if you have your own suggestions on what you may offer, please contact us or complete the EOI – https://form.jotform.com/BoroondaraEagles/volunteer-with-the-eagles