Easter and ANZAC Day training updates

Round 2 is now complete. Well done – another glorious weekend!

Next up, we have Easter Break and ANZAC day leading right into Round 3.

For everyone’s clarification:

For this week (April 15-18): training is on BUT confirm with your individual Team Manager as player availability may impact this.

Good Friday April 19 to Easter Monday April 22 (incl):
BEFC will be closed.
No fixtured/internal games or training will occur over the Easter weekend.

Tuesday April 23 & Wednesday April 24:
Training will run as per normal timetable.

Thursday Anzac Day April 25:
Training CAN go ahead for available teams and coaches in preparation for competition that coming weekend.
Again, please confirm with your Team Manager. Training is optional and to be decided by team for that night. BEFC will not be able to provide cover for absences.

Sat-Sun April 27-28 = Round 3 of competition + SAP. Go Eagles!!

Wishing you and your families a Happy and Safe Easter break on behalf of the Boroondara Eagles FC Committee.