2025 Fee Schedule

Football Australia and Football Victoria fees will need to be paid separately and in addition to the BEFC fees as outlined below. A link to more information and about how to pay will be sent with your team confirmation email.  Uniforms are included in the registration fee.

Registration Package Cost FA and FV Fees Combined – 2025 (Paid directly to FV)
U5 – U8 MiniEagles Girls & Boys Skills Training

SPECIAL OFFER – Combine terms 1,2 & 3 and SAVE!!!

$200 per term


U8 (Home & Away Competition) $595 $81
U9 – U11 (Home & Away Competition) $725 $81
U12 – U16 (Home & Away Competition) $795 $129
U17 – U21 (Home & Away Competition) $795 $129 U17 – U18 Boys and Girls
$271 U19 – 21 Youth Men
Senior Women (Home & Away Competition) $375 (usually $500) $232 U19 – 35 Women $191 over 35 – Women

Coaching Levy

All Levels $125 Non-Parent Coaching Levy payable per player


Coaching Levy

U12 – Kangas
U13 – U21
Top Tier Teams

$250 Second night technical training with a paid Specialist Qualified Coach
Coaching Levy $200 Second night Training with a Paid Specialist Qualified Coach (Optional for all Juniors not playing top tier)

To view the full Terms & Conditions as per PlayFootball registration please read them here.

Parent Coaches

Our MiniRoos Program U5 – U11 is coached by our enthusiastic parents, in fact it’s hard to tell who enjoys it more, the parents or the kids. They get a real buzz when their Mum or Dad is the coach of their sporting team, their level of involvement increases, they practice more and as a bonus get some ‘street cred’ with their friends!

For over a decade now, Boroondara Eagles has been encouraging and supporting parents to take on this very important role to ensure the future of grassroots sports. Unfortunately without parent coaches, fees would increase and ultimately the future of youth soccer would be at risk.

Please consider taking on this important role, support is available in the form of advice and cover for when you are away and also ideas on how to keep the kids engaged.

The main aim is to keep it as enjoyable and fun for all as possible.