Get Active Kids Vouchers and Participation Grants – up to $400 towards your fees

Dear Eagles families,

Get Active Kids Vouchers – Round 8 is currently OPEN!

As a result of BEFC’s affiliation with Football Victoria, our members are automatically eligible to apply for a Get Active Kids Voucher (subject to eligibility criteria). Vouchers are made available by the Victorian State Government and each voucher is valued at up to $200 which reduces the registration fee accordingly.

Applications are currently open and to be eligible children need to be:

– aged 0 to 18 years
– a resident in Victoria
– named on a valid Australian Government Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card
– named on a valid Australian Government Medicare Card

You can apply for more than one voucher if you have more than one eligible child you can also apply for multiple children on the one application. For more information and to apply please visit the Get Active Victoria website here: Our unique BEFC Provider Code is 2931359. If you are successful in your application, please provide the BEFC club administrator ( with the voucher code you receive as part of your application before or after you register with BEFC.

Individual Participation Grants from City of Boroondara

Individual participation grants help disadvantaged community members participate in sport and recreation. You can apply for up to 75% of annual sports club fees (capped at $200), subject to availability. Funding is paid directly to your sports club, which will then reduce your registration fee. If you have been successful in the past, you can re-apply for the Individual Participation Grant every 2 financial years.

To be eligible for individual participation grant funding, you must:

– live in the City of Boroondara
– provide evidence of a current government means-tested card
– choose an eligible Boroondara sporting club (not for profit)

For more information and to apply please visit the City of Boroondara participation grants website here: If you are successful in your application, please provide the BEFC club administrator ( with the voucher code you receive as part of your application before or after you register with BEFC.

Let’s Go Eagles !