Eagles Skills + Futsal Program

***Reminder ***

There will be no Skills + Futsal sessions this Monday October 31st due to the Melbourne Cup public holiday. Monday sessions resume as normal on December 7th.

Places for our Skills + Futsal Program are limited and the first sessions start in just over a weeks time!

Studies show that kids aged 5-12 need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day to gain all the health benefits that exercise brings. Kids can sharpen their skills, learn some new ones and keep up their fitness whilst having fun and making new friends. Participants will be grouped according to age and skill and the program is open to not only existing club members, but also new players & those new to football.

Sessions available:

October 24th to December 12th

U5 – U7 Girls & Boys, Mondays 5-6pm
U8 – U9 Girls & Boys, Mondays 6-7pm

October 21st to December 2nd
+ make-up sessions on December 9th and 16th

U10 – U11 Boys Fridays 5-6pm
U10 – U11 Girls Fridays 6-7pm
U12 – U13 Girls Fridays 6-7pm
U12 Boys (LV) Kangas Fridays 6-7pm
U13 Boys (LV) Fridays 6-7pm
U15 Boys (SV) Pre-NPL Youth Fridays 7-8pm


Cramer Centre, Carey Sports Complex
169 Bulleen Road, Bulleen

Book your place at https://www.trybooking.com/CCWXI

Look forward to seeing you there!